Amazon KDP Kategorie - Literatursammlungen

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Literary Collections

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KDP-CATEGORY: Literary Collections

KDP Category 1KDP Category 2KDP Category 3KDP Category 4KDP Category 5
Literary CollectionsGeneral
Literary CollectionsAfrican
Literary CollectionsAmericanGeneral
Literary CollectionsAmericanAfrican American
Literary CollectionsAncient & Classical
Literary CollectionsAsianGeneral
Literary CollectionsAsianChinese
Literary CollectionsAsianIndic
Literary CollectionsAsianJapanese
Literary CollectionsAustralian & Oceanian
Literary CollectionsCanadian
Literary CollectionsCaribbean & Latin American
Literary CollectionsDiaries & Journals
Literary CollectionsEssays
Literary CollectionsEuropeanGeneral
Literary CollectionsEuropeanEastern
Literary CollectionsEuropeanEnglish, Irish, Scottish, Welsh
Literary CollectionsEuropeanFrench
Literary CollectionsEuropeanGerman
Literary CollectionsEuropeanItalian
Literary CollectionsEuropeanScandinavian
Literary CollectionsEuropeanSpanish & Portuguese
Literary CollectionsLetters
Literary CollectionsLGBT
Literary CollectionsMedieval
Literary CollectionsMiddle Eastern
Literary CollectionsNative American
Literary CollectionsRussian & Former Soviet Union
Literary CollectionsSpeeches
Literary CollectionsWomen Authors

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KDP Categories
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KDP Category
Amazon KDP Kategorie - Belletristik


KDP Category
Amazon KDP Kategorie - Sachbücher


KDP Category
Amazon KDP Kategorie - Jugendliteratur

Juvenile Fiction

KDP Category
Amazon KDP Kategorie - Sachbücher für Jugendliche

Juvenile Nonfiction

KDP Category
Amazon KDP Kategorie - Comics und Bilderromane

Comics & Graphic Novels

KDP Category
Amazon KDP Kategorie - Bildung und Nachschlagewerke

Education & Reference

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Amazon KDP Kategorie - Literatursammlungen

Literary Collections

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